Email management in cPanel

Email addresses can be fully managed from within your cPanel admin. Functions include, but are not limited too, address creation, address deletion and email viewing using the powerful online email client.

Create an email address

Creating email addresses could not be simpler.

  1. Login to your cPanel
  2. Scroll down to EMAIL section
  3. Click on Email Accounts
  4. Click +CREATE
  5. Under CREATE AN EMAIL ACCOUNT enter the required email username. Examples of this could be office or accounts or john.doe
  6. Enter the password. Please note your entry is subject to a strength test it is recommended to use the GENERATE button
  7. Select ‘Send a welcome email ..’ if required
  8. Enter required Storage Space
  9. Click +CREATE

Please note the used email space counts towards the total used hosting space.
All emails are sent using SMTP. There are two choices on sending emails POP3 and IMAP. POP3 makes best use of your hosting space as all emails are downloaded to the local computer, phone, desktop, laptop … The downside of POP3 is that email addresses cannot be easily shared across devices. On the other hand IMAP allows numerous devices to access the same email address to achieve this emails are left on the server.

Delete email address

Consider backing up important email addresses before deleting them.
When an email address is no longer required it is recommended that the address is deleted.

  1. Login to your cPanel
  2. Scroll down to EMAIL section
  3. Click on Email Accounts
  4. Select the tick box(es) to the left of the applicable email address(es)
  5. Click DELETE

Email client

Your cPanel has an email program called Webmail, commonly referred to as an email client, that can be accessed via your favourite browser. When logged in to the cPanel email client emails can be viewed, replied to or created. Files can be uploaded and attached prior to sending.

  1. Login to your cPanel
  2. Scroll down to EMAIL section
  3. Click on Email Accounts
  4. Click CHECK MAIL link of the required address
  5. Select horde or roundcube email clients
  6. Click blue Open button

Double click an email to view, click Compose to create a new email or Reply to reply to a selected email.

The Webmail email client can also be connected to without accessing your cPanel account using this direct link [] just login using your email details.

Setting up an email address

All the information required to setup an email address on your chosen device is available through cPanel.

  1. Login to your cPanel
  2. Scroll down to EMAIL section
  3. Click on Email Accounts
  4. Click CONNECT DEVICES to the right of the applicable email address.

On this page are displayed settings for secure SSL and non-SSL email address setups.
Secure SSL is highly recommended.
Depending upon the operating system of the device being used there are Mail Client Automatic Configuration Scripts available on this page also. Donload the most appropriate script start or restart your email client and the configuring should take place automatically.